|  |  Wed Nov 26, 2003 Foremore: Sunday Zone Results
| Vancouver, British Columbia, November 26, 2003: Roca Mines Inc. ("Roca", the "Company") announces the receipt of final fire assay results from the newly discovered "Sunday Zone" located at the Foremore Property. The Sunday Zone is a gold-enriched area located approximately 1.2 km south of the 2002 SG Discovery Showing and occurs over an area of approximately 350 x 500 m as known to date. The zone is comprised of a series of parallel, mineralized fractures hosted near a felsic-mafic volcanic contact. Please see the attached map for locations of the various samples reported in this release.
Samples of outcrop from the discovery showing at the Sunday Zone (the "Sunday Showing") returned an average of 8.0 g/t Au, 16.90 g/t Ag, 3.96% Pb, and 1.2% Zn over a 0.12 m thickness (samples 005-007). The showing can be traced for 30 m as subcrop and float and is interpreted to continue below soil cover. Approximately 450 m to the southwest along strike, a float sample assayed 4.98 g/t Au, 35.6 g/t Ag, 4.55% Pb, and 5.3% Zn. Additional outcrops were hand-trenched and sampled approximately 100 m south of the Sunday Showing and assaying 2.19 g/t Au and 94.2 g/t Ag over a 1.0 m chip sample. Another zone a further 100 m south returned assays of 6.46 g/t and 20.82 g/t Au from grab samples of float.
Roca believes that the mineralization throughout the Sunday Zone area may be indicative of more extensive VMS-style mineralization. The host felsic unit is interpreted to be equivalent to that hosting the SG Zone mineralization. The Sunday Zone area may be a source for a multi-element soil geochemical anomaly defined by Cominco Ltd. in 1989. The source of another Cominco Ltd. (1989) soil anomaly further to the west and upslope from the South Boulder Field has not yet been located. Geochemical and geophysical programs are planned over the area and its geological extensions as part of the Company's 2004 exploration program at the Foremore Project.
ACME Analytical Laboratories of Vancouver, B.C. carried out assaying of all samples reported in this press release. Sampling was conducted under the supervision of Mr. W.A. (Sandy) Sears, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101.
Roca's 2003 field program greatly advanced the Company's geological knowledge-base at Foremore. Further, the success of Roca's field crews is demonstrated by the identification of a total of eight VMS and Gold targets on the property. These targets will be the focus of a substantial exploration drill program planned to begin in the spring of 2004. Field crews demobilized from the Foremore Project at the end of October 2003, and the Company's geologists are currently working on compilations and interpretation of the extensive 2003 prospecting, mapping and sampling program. A comprehensive report summarizing this year's field work at the Foremore Project is also being prepared.
Scott E. Broughton, P.Eng - President
For further information contact Scott Broughton, John Mirko or David Skerlec at:
Tel: 604-684-5900 (Broughton Ext. 114 / Mirko Ext. 110 / Skerlec Ext. 147)
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Web: www.rocamines.com
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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