|  |  Tue Jul 8, 2003 The Hard Rock Analyst - Special Delivery Publisher: Vanguard Consulting Ltd
| - http://www.hardrockanalyst.com/page/hra/
| Special Delivery #168
Excerpt from:
A brief note on another accumulate that is seeing a volume pick-up. Roca Mines (ROK-V; closing up 1 cent at $0.35 on 316,000 shares) that we started to accumulate in March for its Foremore high gold-grade VMS system in northern British Columbia is starting to see an up-tick of interest. Crews are in the field following up last year s late season high-grade find, and we are moving the stock to a Spec Buy status on this basis and ahead of drill testing to begin later in the summer.
Regards for now - David Coffin & Eric Coffin
Hard Rock Analyst - Special Delivery is an independent publication produced by Vanguard Consulting Ltd., which is committed to providing timely and factual analysis of junior mining and other venture capital companies. Companies are chosen on the basis of a speculative potential for significant upside gains resulting from asset-base expansion. These are generally high-risk securities, and opinions contained herein are time and market sensitive. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor of the statements made herein. We do not receive or request compensation in any form in order to feature companies in this publication. We may, or may not, own securities and/or options to acquire securities of the companies mentioned herein. From time to time Vanguard Consulting Ltd. may have acted in a consulting or contracting capacity for companies reviewed in this publication; the superscript VC indicates a company for which Vanguard has acted in a paid capacity in during the previous 6 months. This document is protected by the copyright laws of Canada and the U.S. and may not be reproduced in any form for other than for personal use without the prior written consent of the publisher. This document may be quoted, in context, provided that proper credit is given.
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