|  |  Wed Oct 15, 2003 Foremore: New Discovery at Wishbone Area
| #14-03
Vancouver, British Columbia, October 15, 2003: Roca Mines Inc. ("Roca", the "Company") announces the receipt of initial assay results from first-pass prospecting at its Wishbone Area, on the Foremore Project in northwestern British Columbia.
The Wishbone Area is located at the headwaters of Mess Creek, approximately 26 km south of Teck Cominco's Schaft Creek porphyry copper deposit and immediately north of Roca's More Creek Camp on the Foremore Property. The Wishbone Area consists of nine claim blocks (149 units) encompassing approximately 94 sq. km and is adjacent to the company's original Foremore project claim block to the south.
Prospecting at the Wishbone Area was initiated in September 2003 and is ongoing. First-pass prospecting was limited to the South Creek Zone, located at the south end of the area, and has resulted in the discovery of a new mineralized boulder train consisting of disseminated to massive sulphides in quartz carbonate vein material. Boulders and mineralized outcrop have been found over a 2.5km length with the northern continuation of the train extending below permanent snow and ice. Sample assays of various mineralized float boulders and vein outcrop materials are summarized in Table 1 below:
Table 1. Wishbone Area -- South Creek Zone
Sample Au Ag Cu Pb Zn
No. (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%) Sample Type/Size
126518 1.21 315.1 1.103 0.04 0.15 15cm boulder massive
126522 0.86 85.5 2.878 <0.01 0.04 Boulder with dissemin-
to massive py
126523 4.70 27.6ppm 0.029 0.04 <0.01 20cm massive py boulder
126524 1.95 605.5 0.365 2.64 16.92 20cm massive sulphide
126525 2.28 2.5ppm 25ppm 113ppm 995ppm 25cm iron carbonate
boulder with 10% py
126526 1.63 9.9ppm 6.497 <0.01 0.05 30cm boulder massive
126528 2.47 48.4 8.223 <0.01 0.04 10cm boulder with cp
126529 1.70 1,093.5 1.122 0.02 0.13 25cm boulder with semi-
massive py & apy
126530 1.50 42.1 1.13 <0.01 0.03 20cm quartz/iron carbon-
ate & cp boulder
126531 2.23 7.7ppm 300ppm 302ppm 70ppm Grab sample of semi-
massive py in quartz/
carbonate vein
126533 0.20 4,835.1 3.504 <0.01 0.21 10cm boulder of semi-
massive py and tetra-
126534 0.74 4,362.6 3.021 0.55 2,554ppm 15cm boulder of semi-
massive py, cp and
126535 1.36 69.0 0.073 0.01 57ppm Grab sample pyritic
quartz/carbonate vein
126536 1.28 19.4ppm 0.047 0.01 53ppm 25cm chip pyritic quartz/
carbonate vein
126537 0.09 95.6 5.658 0.02 387ppm 10cm boulder of iron
carbonate with py
126539 0.15 6,708.3 2.546 <0.01 1,888ppm 10cm boulder with band
of massive py and lesser
126540 0.27 1,819.3 0.81 0.98 1,159ppm 10cm Fe carbonate
boulder with tetra-
hedrite and py
Notes: All results reported in (g/t) by 30 g Fire Assay, results
reported in (ppm) by Geochem Fire Assay
py=pyrite, cp=chalcopyrite, apy=arsenopyrite
g/t = grams per metric tonne, ppm = parts per million
metric conversions-1 g/t = 1 ppm = 0.02917 Troy ounces/Short Ton
Also, recent follow-up prospecting has resulted in the discovery of visible gold in outcrop located upslope from a portion of the 2.5km long boulder train and sampling continues on this new showing. ACME Analytical Laboratories of Vancouver, B.C. carried out assaying of all samples reported in Table 1. Sampling was conducted under the supervision of Mr. W.A. (Sandy) Sears, P.Geo., a qualified person under NI 43-101.
The new discovery complements historical work by Teck Corporation ("Teck") and Iskut Gold Corporation that included initial drilling and sampling at the north end of the Wishbone Area. The claims in this area were previously held by Teck between July 1980 and 2001 and their work resulted in the discovery of other mineralized zones of potential economic interest (see Table 2). These zones are primarily hosted by mesothermal style cross-cutting quartz carbonate veins associated with surrounding hydrothermal alteration and within structurally controlled iron carbonate breccia zones and vein stockwork. Pyrite is the most abundant sulphide mineral with lesser arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, stibnite and lesser amounts of tetrahedrite, sphalerite, galena, barite, silver sulphosalts and tellurobismuthite. Native gold can be found by panning in the streams draining the Wishbone Area and also in soil samples below vein outcrops at the Windy Zone located in the northern portion of the claim block. Historic occurrences of stratabound and strataform sulphides of copper are reported to be located within the quartz-sericite-pyrite schist horizon, which traverses the claim area. These occurrences will be reviewed and sampled during subsequent prospecting.
Numerous quartz breccia zones and vein zones are present in the Wishbone Area where Roca's crews will be focusing on precious metal mineralization including the "Windy" zone where several stages of quartz-carbonate veining has been identified in six veins in this area, the longest one being exposed intermittently for approximately 550m. The quartz occurs as; concordant lenses and stringers parallel to foliation; semi-concordant veins, some with pyrite and other minor sulphides; and discordant veins, with or without mariposite cutting all structures. Vein widths observed vary from 0.1 m to 3.0 m and the veins occasionally contain massive sulphide mineralization including; pyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena.
Table 2. Previously Reported Assay Results of Chip, Channel and
Core Sampled by Teck Corporation and Iskut Gold Corporation
Zone/Location Sample Type Width(m) Au(oz/T or g/t) Ag(oz/T or g/t)
Grey Chip 0.55 m 0.49 oz/T Not reported
Day Chip 1.52 m 0.11 oz/T Not reported
Jay Chip 1.52 m 0.32 oz/T Not reported
Rainy Chip 0.30 m 0.29 oz/T Not reported
Windy Channel 1.50 m 0.25 oz/T 0.53 oz/T
Windy Channel 1.50 m 0.88 oz/T 0.61 oz/T
Windy Channel 0.30 m 1.20 oz/T Not reported
Windy Channel 1.60 m 0.56 oz/T Not reported
Windy Channel 2.80 m 0.14 oz/T Not reported
Windy Channel 1.00 m 0.32 oz/T Not reported
Windy Channel 0.30 m 0.76 oz/T 1.61 oz/T
Windy Channel 0.35 m 0.80 oz/T 0.65 oz/T
Windy Channel 0.20 m 0.86 oz/T 1.97 oz/T
Windy Drill Core 2.60 m 0.17 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 1.70 m 0.11 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 8.50 m 0.16 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 5.00 m 0.12 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 0.40 m 0.30 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 4.20 m 0.08 oz/T Not reported
Windy Drill Core 0.30 m 0.28 oz/T Not reported
BJ Grab n/a 0.21 oz/T 1.47 oz/T
BJ Chip 1.00 m 0.22 oz/T 0.54 oz/T
BJ Chip 0.80 m 1.09 oz/T 1.25 oz/T
BJ Chip 1.10 m 0.50 oz/T 0.43 oz/T
BJ Chip 0.30 m 0.76 oz/T 1.61 oz/T
Banana Channel 0.20 m 0.86 oz/T 1.97 oz/T
Banana Channel 0.15 m 1.20 oz/T 0.63 oz/T
Camp Chip 1.00 m 0.34 oz/T 0.67 oz/T
Camp Channel 8.70 m 0.16 oz/T 0.10 oz/T
Camp Channel 0.60 m 0.15 oz/T 0.59 oz/T
Rat Chip 2.00 m 0.20 oz/T Not reported
Rat Chip 1.50 m 75.40 g/t Not reported
Barite Chip 1.50 m 2.90 g/t Not reported
Albite Chip 2.80 m 6.30 g/t Not reported
Notes: oz/T = Troy ounces per Short Ton, g/t = grams per metric tonne
metric conversions - 1 (g/t) = 0.02917 Troy ounces / Short Ton
The discovery of a new boulder train and outcropping vein system located at the south end of the Wishbone Area points to another compelling target on the Foremore Project area. Field crews are continuing to work on the project and results will be provided as they are received.
"Scott Broughton"
Scott E. Broughton, P.Eng - President
For further information contact Scott Broughton, John Mirko or David Skerlec at:
Tel: 604-684-5900 (Broughton Ext. 114 / Mirko Ext. 110 / Skerlec Ext. 147)
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Web: www.rocamines.com
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